sexta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2013

Perfect Host Cocktail Bacardi Legacy 2013 By Nelson Bernardes Head Mixologist / Manager no famoso Good Godfrey’s no The Waldorf Hilton, London…passo a passo.

Caros colegas e amigos é com enorme orgulho e prazer, que escrevo mais uma vez no Cocktails & Mistura Fina acerca de Nelson Bernardes Head Mixologist / Manager no famoso Good Godfrey’s no The Waldorf Hilton, London. Entre outros, Nelson Barman Português brilha em Londres, Inglaterra, a capital mundial do cocktail.

Nelson Bernardes do The Waldorf Hilton criou uma “Cocktail” chamado Perfect Host em homenagem aos lendários anfitriões do Bartending como Peter Dorelli.

Perfect Host Cocktail by Nelson Bernardes


50ml Bacardi Superior
25ml Fresh lime juice
20ml Apple juice
17.5ml Gomme syrup
15ml Egg white Celery Basil

Muddle the celery in the bottom of the shaker. Add the rest of ingredients and dry shake. Shake again with ice.
Double-strain into a chilled coupette and garnish with grounded black pepper.

Colocado no top 3 de Inglaterra do Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition 2013 iniciou um projecto tendo como meta promover o “Perfect Host” nos mais variados pontos de venda no mundo. Trabalho árdua, muita dedicação, saber receber, boas práticas de venda e promoção foi a estratégia do Nelson fazendo jus às suas capacidades pessoais, técnicas e profissionais.

Tive o privilégio de assistir ao lançamento prévio do projecto realizado no Gusto Bar no Conrad Algarve em Vale de Lobo onde o Nelson foi convidado a apresentar o Perfect Host Cocktail, no dia 31 de Janeiro de 2013. O reconhecimento pela dedicação e trabalho no seu país natal “digo eu”.

De forma a dar conhecer o excelente trabalho que Nelson Bernardes tem vindo a desenvolver, dignificando a profissão, chamando a atenção para a necessidade de um estudo profundo acerca da arte de preparar e servir as bebidas simples ou compostas, bem como, da sua historia, produção, características, assim como, da importância do Barman como relações publicas, vendedor, promotor de produtos e marcas, capaz de incrementar as vendas, fidelizar os clientes, prestando um serviço de qualidade, provocando assim satisfação dos clientes, decidi apresentar no Cocktails & Mistura Fina momentos da caminhada efectuada até a hoje na promoção e afirmação do “Perfect Host Cocktail”.

A base da informação dos momentos passo a passo do “Perfect Host Cocktail” by Nelson Bernardes ´e a sua pagina oficial, aqui:

Os comentários são apresentados em inglês…

 “Already confirmed: first Perfect Host Seminar with modern techniques of hospitality and mixology for any style of bar.. with Guest Bartender experience afterwards on the 31st at the Gusto by Heinz Beck at the new Conrad Algarve, recently awarded "2012 World´s Leading New Resort" at The World Travel Awards. 31/01/2013

Perfect Host is now packed and ready to rock & roll.. next stop Gusto Bar at the Conrad Algarve for the first Perfect Host Seminar and Guest Bartending experience...

Thank you all Conrad Algarve Team you were all great!! You made me feel very Welcome!! Thank you so much for your hospitality and for supporting me..) Perfect Host was a huge success all because of you!! 01/02/2013

Another class finished, this time at the Cocktail Team Bartending School. Now time for some rest, Bacardi Legacy Final is just around the corner..

Com o seu talento, conhecimento, criatividade, profissionalismo e técnica apurada cativou no dia 7 de Fevereiro o Júri na UK Final do Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition 2013.

It's with great honour and pleasure, that I share with you the good news.. The Perfect Host has made it!! It's one of the "Three Most Promising" I would like to thank you all for believing and for your support it has been very much appreciated, but it's all just starting now.. please fasten your seat belts, this promise to be a very exciting year!!! 08/02/2013

A estratégia delineada pelo Nelson começa a dar os seus frutos…

Everyone is drinking a Perfect Host! How about you? Have you tried yet? 22/02/2013

Itália, Roma é o passo seguinte…

Perfect Host is doing an Italian trip to spread the Love..:)) Rome is beautiful!!! At Hilton Garden Inn Rome Claridge. 28/02//2013

Perfect Host at the Caffe Propaganda, Rome, Italy..02/03/2013

Italian hospitality..05/03/2013

Perfect Host at Micca Club, Rome, Italy.. A place not to be missed when in Rome!! Grazie mille!!

Mais um momento do passo a passo da promoção do “Perfect Host Cocktail” aproveitando a iniciativa do Godfrey’s no The Waldorf Hilton, London…

Following the success from 2012, we are launching the Cocktail Classes and Dinner again.. What a great way to spend your night..:) and you definitely leave the Waldorf knowing how to make a Perfect Host! Salute. 05/03/2013

What another great Cocktail Class!! This time to celebrate Gerald's birthday with Sharan.. thank you guys!! 15/03/2013

Always happy with friends around..:))20/03/2013

Matt Blackman said: Clare and I had a really fantastic evening. The Perfect Host cocktail tasted great. Nelson was not only a brilliant mixologist but a Perfect Host too! 30/03/2013

“Perfect Host Cocktail” na  Irlanda…

Got it made in Dublin. Spreading the word.....01/05/2013

The Perfect Host hand in hand with the Malecon, courtesy by Mr. Erick … makes that a magical night..:)) American Bar @ The Savoy. 05/05/2013

Guest Bartender at Caley Bar The Caledonian, A Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Perfect Host already available at the menu!! 05/05/2013

Already available at Vista the most iconic rooftop bar in UK, the right place to be this Summer!!

Perfect Host Cocktail Class fully booked for the weekend just before a quick trip to Paris for the Cocktail Spirits.. @bacardilegacy 31/05/2013

A very special guest directly from Limantour Bar - Mexico on a London Tour.. Mr. Oscar Valle 05/06/2013

Perfect Host cocktail being made at Limantour.. Muchas gracias!! Com José Luis Leon. Miami & Mexico Trip

Limantour bar team rocks!! Com Oscar Valle. Miami & Mexico Trip

Na Suécia o “Perfect Host Cocktail” continua o se percurso, passo a passo, afirma-se no mundo…

Stockholm is beautiful! Tonight come and have a Perfect Host Cocktail at @EkenBar Life can't get any better than this right now! @BacardiUK

Eken Bar & Matsal, Stockholm, Sweden. Epic night!! You shouldn't underestimate the power of the Perfect Host..:) Line of the night… "Can I have some more Bacardi over here, please? Thanks!" Brilliant atmosphere!! Open minded guests & great Bar Team. 13/06/2013

Perfect Host madness.. and this was just the first round... 13/06/2013

O reconhecimento…a honra pelo trabalho realizado…a distinção…uma placa alusiva ao “Perfect Host Cocktail” no The Waldorf Hilton, em Londres…parabéns!!!

So excited!! Wall plaque just arrived for the event tomorrow..:)) very emotional moment, cried a few tears.. Can't wait for tomorrow!!!! 24/06/2013

History has been made today! We now have a wall plaque which designates Good Godfrey's Bar as the official home for the Perfect Host cocktail. Thank you all for coming! 25/06/2013.

Czech Republic, Prague, o passo seguinte…dinamismo…mais um momento, “Perfect Host Cocktail” … passo a passo…

Barové Noviny is a popular online newspaper for the bartending community in the Czech Republic. Prague I'll be coming to visit you 26th to 28th of June...:) Perfect Host Rules!

Partner in crime.. Mr. LAdislav. Funny how it goes from serenity into insanity in a very short time.. hahahaha Fun times at Cloud 9. 27/06/2013

Yesterday had a great time at Cloud 9 Sky Bar. Tonight? Hemingway Bar is the place to be!! @BacardiUK @bacardilegacy. 27/06/2013

Em Cloud 9 Sky Bar & Lounge. 27/06/2013

... as if a round of 9 Perfect Host for just one table was not crazy enough, look at the timings... between 21:50 until 22:10 got 24 Perfect Host just for my station and this was not even close to the busy time, this was way to early in the evening... btw the round of 9, this was just the first round.. after about 320 Perfect Host managed to get some rest. EPIC NIGHT!! Thanks to all bar team at Cloud 9! You Rock!! Amazing night!!

What a great night, last night at @Hemingwaybar!! Unfortunately leaving Prague now, London is calling!! @BacardiUK @bacardilegacy. 28/06/2013

Perfect Host is on tour.. Next city, Lisbon, Portugal.. @BacardiUK @bacardilegacy 17/07/2013

Portugal o país natal de Nelson Bernardes recebe mais uma vez o “Perfect Host Cocktail” no Terrace Oeiras by Cocktail Team… mais um momento… passo a passo vai se afirmando no mundo dos cocktails.

Thank You Portugal for this great time!! Possivelmente a visita em que menos tempo tive para estar com os amigos.. Desta vez foi mesmo estilo ninja!! Quando fui a ver ja era hora de voltar a Londres... Pode ser que as coisas mudem para breve.. Abracos & Beijinhos!!!  Perfect Host Cocktail Bacardi Legacy 2013 - 21/07/2013

Last night we served a very special round of Perfect Host!.. Bacardi Team was in the house!!! 07/09/2013


Resta-me desejar o maior sucesso pessoal e profissional a Nelson Bernardes, que os objectivos sejam alcançados, que o projecto Perfect Host Cocktail Bacardi Legacy 2013 seja coroado de êxito.

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