quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2008


The Elite Bartender’s Course – JWC Europe held in Italy in May with a total of 15 participants coming from Armenia, Arab Emirates, Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Singapore and Sweden.

This course is ideal for young bartenders who wish to improve their professional skills.

Typically, participants who have a few years professional working experience and have established bartending as their chosen career.

Course Objective
The objective of the course was:
To create awareness inherent to the use and abuse of alcoholic beverages.
To provide participants with a working knowledge of the wines, spirits and liqueurs available on the international market, including their place of production and quality factors.
To differentiate and discuss all types of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages commonly marketed in bars
To provide participants with adequate skills to prepare, mix and serve the different types of beverages
To allow the participants to experiment with new cocktail recipes
To acquaint the participants with the Guidelines for Bartending Working Procedures
To train the participants in Bar Control Procedures
To train the participants in costing and pricing a beverage list
To discuss and implement bar merchandising ideas.
To train the participants in work scheduling

Course Structure
The 10-day course conducted from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1.30 pm to 7.30pm.daily.

Course Outline

The Bar Design and Equipment
Guidelines for Working Procedures
Mineral Waters and Soft Drinks
Wines, Aromatised and Fortified Wines
Alcohol Distillation and Distilled Products
Bar Service Procedures
Classical Recipes
Bar Control
Costing and Pricing of Beverages
Marketing of Bars
Participants’ Team Presentation
Products' Awareness by Suppliers
Presentation of one's own work, organisation and products/services

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