domingo, 29 de junho de 2008

Kir Royal

Kir Royal
1cl creme de cassis
In a flute, pour the cassis first, and then top with champagne. Serve chilled.
Garnish: lemon twist or blackberry .
The most refined sparkling wine, produced only in the Champagne region of France. The region where the champagne is made. Only champagne made in Champagne should be called 'champagne'. On some other similar sparkling wines you may find 'methode champenoise', thus meaning that the wine does not come from the Champagne region, but that it was produced following the method used in Champagne.
Creme de Cassis:
A blackcurrant liqueur made from both infusion and maceration methods; Between 18-25 per cent alcohol by volume.

1 comentário:

  1. Sr. Francisco, quero dar-lhe os parabens pelo excelente blog em prol da hotelaria. ja agora convido tambem a fazer uma visita ao meu blog em e espero que disfrute da mesma maneira que eu estou a disfrutar este espaço.Flavio Prospero
